High blood pressure (hypertension), can damage blood vessels and your heart, and leaving it uncontrolled can lead to heart attack and stroke! Although it can be easily detected, many Americans don’t take steps to reduce it. Here are some simple steps you can do in your diet to reduce your risk or level of hypertension.

The number one thing you should do is eat more fresh produce. Fruits and vegetables should make up 40-50% of your diet. Naturally, they contain no sodium and should be a staple of every meal.

High amounts of table salt and sodium can increase hypertension, but are you checking other food labels? Sodium can be hiding in other foods you may not be aware of, such as cheese, dairy, and canned foods!

Healthy fats such as seeds, olive oil, and avocado help combat high blood pressure.

A new study has revealed that probiotics have the ability to reduce high blood pressure. What are probiotics? They are living organisms in products such as yogurt and supplements. “Probiotics might help lower blood pressure by having other positive effects on health, including improving total cholesterol, reducing blood glucose and insulin resistance, and by helping to regulate the hormone system that regulates blood pressure and fluid balance.” – Yahoo Health Blog

If you have hypertension but are an otherwise healthy adult, lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise can help reduce your blood pressure. If you are concerned you have high blood pressure, schedule an appointment today (949) 566-8179!


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