Nutrients you may be lacking..

So many Americans are focusing on losing weight in the fight against obesity, but are too focused on what to cut out, instead of what to bring in! Here’s a list of some nutrients you may be lacking, and how to get them.

Fiber is an important part of a healthy diet. Fiber-rich foods aid in digestion, but they also help to keep you heart healthy, cholesterol low, and prevent diabetes and high blood pressure. An easy way to add fiber to you diet is snacking on fruits and nuts, and adding more beans and vegetables to your diet.

Potassium is especially important as you age, and is a key mineral in the diet. Potassium helps your muscles contract, monitors your hearts activity, and controls blood pressure. Some foods high in potassium are potatoes, avocados, bananas and white beans.

Vitamin A supports your immune system and aids your vision! Increase your intake of bright colored vegetables such as orange, red, and yellow peppers. Cantaloupe is another good source of Vitamin A, just 1 cup provides a 100% of your daily intake!

If you have fatigue and achiness, you may be lacking in Vitamin D. If you have naturally darker skin or try to avoid sunlight, you have a higher risk for a Vitamin D deficiency. Some easy fixes are swapping out chicken with wild salmon, increasing your sun exposure, or eating mushrooms!

Learn more about our Nutrition Program HERE! 

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