Fitness Age and The Art of Aging Well — What is your fitness age? What does that even mean?

Fitness age, also called biological age and health age, is a concept that estimates how well your body is aging compared to your chronological age. Am image of a middle-aged or senior woman exercising with a teal exercise ball. Fitness age. It is based on your V02 max, which is also known as maximal oxygen consumption, peak oxygen intake, and maximal oxygen uptake. V02 max is a measure of your cardiovascular fitness and how much oxygen your body can use during exercise. The higher your V02 max, the lower your fitness age, and vice versa. This information can help you monitor your health and fitness progress, as well as your risk of chronic diseases and mortality.

A VO2 Max chart showing oxygen levels from "heart risk" to "elite." VO2 Max refers to the maximum oxygen the body can utilize. It is also known as "maximal oxygen consumption," "peak oxygen intake," and "maximal oxygen uptake."
Knowing can provide benefits

Information is valuable! Knowing your biological age can provide many benefits for your health and well-being. For example, you can set realistic goals for yourself and monitor your An image of a happy, healthy, middle-aged or senior couple sitting together and smiling.progress. Additionally, you can compare your fitness level to the average values for your age and gender group and see how you rank.

By improving your fitness age, you can reduce your risk of chronic disease and mortality. Additionally, you can enjoy a better quality of life and a more youthful appearance.

Is there a downside?

On the other hand, not knowing your fitness age can have some drawbacks – first and foremost, you might not be aware of how fit or unfit you are and how it affects your health.

An image of a middle age or senior couple using hand weights to exercise at the gym.The bottom line can look grim. You may age faster and experience more health problems as you get older. Don’t miss out on the benefits of exercise and physical activity — improved mood, memory, self-esteem, and on.

Knowing your fitness age is not so helpful if you aren’t working to improve or maintain it. Once you are equipped with the information, it’s important to follow through so that you can reap the benefits.

Speak with your physician about beginning an exercise program. We recommend that you meet with a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist to review your diet and to ensure that you are on the right track, nutritionally.

How to calculate

To calculate your fitness age, you can visit World Fitness Level to use their calculator.

You will need to know your:

  • height
  • weight
  • maximum heart rate
  • waistline measurement
  • resting pulse.

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