Dr. Weiss, MD. FCCP, Private Physicians Medical Association (PPMA) Updates on COVID-19 (coronavirus) and FDA ranitidine findings.

On Tuesday, March 31, Presidential Task Force member & coronavirus (COVID-19) response coordinator Dr. Deborah L. Birx, MD, provided encouraging news for California residents. California is experiencing a lower coronavirus caseload per capita than other states. This is due in great part to the “stay at home” orders that were put in place.

The University of Washington provided a report that predicts that California’s peak caseload will occur on April 28, 2020. The good news again is that our state is not at risk for running out of hospital beds, ICU beds or ventilators. For more information on this report, please click to view.

On a completely different note and unrelated to the coronavirus, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is recommending the immediate removal of Zantac products from shelves due to chemical contamination. If you have Zantac (or ranitidine) at home please discard immediately. Alternatives that you may use are Pepcid (also known as famotidine) or Tagamet (also known as cimetidine).

We are still unable to see patients in office while “stay home” recommendations are in order. Our doctors and staff will be available for phone calls, emails and TELEmedicine appointments. Please call the office at (949)566-8179.

We wish you the best of health and that you continue to be safe and protected.

Dr. James M. Weiss, MD, FCCP
Private Physicians Medical Association (PPMA)

Remember to get current, accurate information about the coronavirus (COVID-19) from reputable sources, such as:

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