high blood pressure, alzheimer's factors, causes of, how to prevent alzheimer's
Understanding the basics of high blood pressure can help prevent the development of chronic diseases. In addition to saving your body from a stroke, coronary heart disease and heart or kidney failure, maintaining a normal or “healthy” bloody pressure level can reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

In a study released earlier this year published in the journal JAMA Neurology, researchers linked those with a genetic predisposition to developing Alzheimer’s disease and hypertension (another name for high blood pressure) with a higher risk for developing brain plaque – a common symptom of this form of dementia. Although there was no cause-and-effect relationship identified between high blood pressure and Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis, those in the study with both high blood pressure and the genetic risk for the disease had significantly more brain plaque than those without the gene mutation and who had normal blood pressure levels.

Remember, to prevent or manage hypertension, make sure to:

• Schedule regular check-ups with your personal physician
• Follow a healthy diet

○ Low sodium levels
○ Normal potassium levels
○ Limited or no alcohol

• Stay physically fit (BMI less than 25)
• Quit smoking
• Manage your stress

Learn more about high blood pressure or Alzheimer’s disease from our earlier blogs.

Photo credit: Flickr user jasleen_kaur. Used with permission through Creative Commons. 

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