February 9, 2021- Reminder: CVS Pharmacies Open Vaccine Appointments Tomorrow and will begin offering COVID-19 vaccines throughout California on Thursday, February 11. You must be eligible to receive the vaccine under the state’s current vaccine rollout plan, which includes health care workers and people age 65 and older. And you must have an appointment before receiving your dose.

You can start making appointments by registering online at cvs.com or calling 1-800-746-7287 tomorrow Wednesday, February 10.

To find out if you’re eligible and vaccine appointments are available go to My Turn. If it’s not your turn yet or appointments are not available, you can register to be notified when you’re eligible or when appointments open up.

For a list of other locations in your area currently administering vaccines, please visit VaccinateCA at www.vaccinateca.com.

Your health and continued safety is of utmost importance to us. We will continue to share information as we obtain it.

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