

Check out this list of 10 disease fighting foods you should start adding to your diet! 

“Let food be thy medicine.”
  1. Carrots – These colorful veggies hold high levels of vitamin A and beta carotenes that fight inflammation and contain antioxidants that shield cells from free radicals.
  2. Eggs – Speciality eggs that are Omega 3 fortified can help you to reduce migraines.
  3. Brussels Sprouts – Not only are they an excellent source of fiber, brussels sprouts can lower LDL cholesterol and fight heart disease.
  4. Alfalfa Sprouts – Not only are they fat-free, they contain phytochemicals (saponins) that protect against cancer and lower cholesterol.
  5. Apples – We have all heard of an apple a day keeps the doctor away! Apples lower blood pressure, reduce cholesterol, decrease the risks of both colon and breast cancers, and help with diabetes.
  6. Avocados – They are fiber rich and cholesterol free, a powerhouse for heart health.
  7. Beets – They are packed full of nutrition: antioxidants, fiber, and vitamin C.
  8. Cranberries – Not only are they the secret weapon against urinary tract infections, cranberries help improve cholesterol and help people recover from strokes.
  9. Oranges – Not only are oranges a good source of potassium, fiber, calcium, folate, and B vitamins, they contain all your daily vitamin C!
  10. Papaya – Papayas have a big dose of vitamins A and E, two very powerful antioxidants that protect against heart disease and colon cancer.
For more information on eating healthy or lifestyle medicine, visit our website HERE.
PPMA offers a nutrition program to help our patients live a healthier life and treat medical issues with food instead of medicine. Learn more HERE.

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